Sunday, April 3, 2011

New Project: Enigma

Oh, hai! As many of you know (or should know), I have been working on a new novel entitled Enigma, which I have been planning for about a year now. Enigma was originally supposed to be an animation, but as I am taking art classes at the moment, I decided that I should put it in novel form for now, mostly because I want everything already planned out for when I make my animation. Of course, it will eventually become an animation (because, truth is, the events in the story that I have envisioned can only be expressed through actually seeing them firsthand), but for now I'll stick to the amateur way of getting a story across. And for all you little biscuits who don't know what Enigma's all about, then here's a very, VERY blunt description of the soon-to-be novel/animation.

“I’m going to save you while there’s still something left to save...!”
October 14th, the beginning of the end. When 17-year-old Dust wakes up and finds the entire planet devoid of any signs of humanity, he begins looking for an explanation as to why he is the only one left. However, his search is cut short only hours later when a child with elongated arms and unimaginable speed charges at him and nearly kills him, only to be saved by another boy his age, handgun wielding Allan Glass. As the two take refuge at Dust’s house, along with Allan’s brother Matthew and another survivor by the name of Seth Frost, they realize that the outside is not only plagued by the former residents-turned-monsters, but also by a more formidable enemy; another group of age-related survivors that are willing to take down their rivals at all costs. As the fight for survival begins to unfold, they realize that they all have stunning similarities; they were all used as experiments earlier on by a military project know as Project Enigma, an experiment that altered abandoned children in order to make them devastating human weapons. Dust, who after the experiments 7 years ago lost his younger brother, is equipped with implanted blades and the two-sided ability to suppress emotional release and act solely on logic and skill, making him the emotionless human weapon that had become Project Enigma’s biggest success. When the skills of the other survivors brought on by Enigma become clear, they find that they have the upper hand when fighting the monsters outside, especially when they team up with the other group of survivors who have their own hidden abilities as well. But as the days grow longer and the survivors’ pasts are revealed, more answers are unearthed and they find that the people outside are being manipulated by someone who’s had a connection to each of the survivors at one time or another. When they finally come face-to-face with the one behind it all, they figure out that the biggest enigma isn't what had happened on October 14th…but themselves.
Enigma, by Kirill Shumov. Coming Soon.

And there we have it, and that's not even the tip of the iceberg. Be sure to look forward to it, and check back for updates!
P.S. Yes, this is copyrighted. Do not try to steal.
P.S.S. There's a huge thunderstorm outside. It's raining pretty hard right now.

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